Mercurial Distributed SCM


Repository creation

clone:make a copy of an existing repository
init:create a new repository in the given directory

Remote repository management

incoming:show new changesets found in source (aliases: in)
outgoing:show changesets not found in the destination (aliases: out)
paths:show aliases for remote repositories
pull:pull changes from the specified source
push:push changes to the specified destination
serve:start stand-alone webserver

Change creation

commit:commit the specified files or all outstanding changes (aliases: ci)

Change manipulation

backout:reverse effect of earlier changeset
graft:copy changes from other branches onto the current branch
merge:merge another revision into working directory

Change organization

bookmarks:create a new bookmark or list existing bookmarks (aliases: bookmark)
branch:set or show the current branch name
branches:list repository named branches
phase:set or show the current phase name
tag:add one or more tags for the current or given revision
tags:list repository tags

File content management

annotate:show changeset information by line for each file (aliases: blame)
cat:output the current or given revision of files
copy:mark files as copied for the next commit (aliases: cp)
diff:diff repository (or selected files)
grep:search for a pattern in specified files

Change navigation

bisect:subdivision search of changesets
heads:show branch heads
identify:identify the working directory or specified revision (aliases: id)
log:show revision history of entire repository or files (aliases: history)

Working directory management

add:add the specified files on the next commit
addremove:add all new files, delete all missing files
files:list tracked files
forget:forget the specified files on the next commit
purge:removes files not tracked by Mercurial (aliases: clean)
remove:remove the specified files on the next commit (aliases: rm)
rename:rename files; equivalent of copy + remove (aliases: move, mv)
resolve:redo merges or set/view the merge status of files
revert:restore files to their checkout state
root:print the root (top) of the current working directory
shelve:save and set aside changes from the working directory
status:show changed files in the working directory (aliases: st)
summary:summarize working directory state (aliases: sum)
unshelve:restore a shelved change to the working directory
update:update working directory (or switch revisions) (aliases: up, checkout, co)

Change import/export

archive:create an unversioned archive of a repository revision
bundle:create a bundle file
export:dump the header and diffs for one or more changesets
import:import an ordered set of patches (aliases: patch)
unbundle:apply one or more bundle files

Repository maintenance

admin::verify:verify the integrity of the repository
manifest:output the current or given revision of the project manifest
recover:roll back an interrupted transaction
verify:verify the integrity of the repository


config:show combined config settings from all hgrc files (aliases: showconfig, debugconfig)
help:show help for a given topic or a help overview
version:output version and copyright information

Additional Help Topics

Mercurial identifiers

filesets:Specifying File Sets (aliases: fileset)
hgignore:Syntax for Mercurial Ignore Files (aliases: ignore)
patterns:File Name Patterns
revisions:Specifying Revisions (aliases: revs, revsets, revset, multirevs, mrevs)
urls:URL Paths

Mercurial output

color:Colorizing Outputs
dates:Date Formats
diffs:Diff Formats
templating:Template Usage (aliases: templates, template, style)

Mercurial configuration

config:Configuration Files (aliases: hgrc)
environment:Environment Variables (aliases: env)
extensions:Using Additional Features
flags:Command-line flags
hgweb:Configuring hgweb
merge-tools:Merge Tools (aliases: mergetools, mergetool)
pager:Pager Support
rust:Rust in Mercurial (aliases: rustext, rhg)


bundlespec:Bundle File Formats
evolution:Safely rewriting history (EXPERIMENTAL)
phases:Working with Phases
subrepos:Subrepositories (aliases: subrepo)


deprecated:Deprecated Features
internals:Technical implementation topics
scripting:Using Mercurial from scripts and automation



hooks for controlling repository access


log repository events to a blackbox for debugging

blackbox:view the recent repository events


hooks for integrating with the Bugzilla bug tracker


erase file content at a given revision

censor:(no help text available)


command to display statistics about repository history

churn:histogram of changes to the repository


advertise pre-generated bundles to seed clones

 remove existing clone bundle caches
 generate clone bundles according to the configuration


close arbitrary heads without checking them out first

close-head:close the given head revisions


import revisions from foreign VCS repositories into Mercurial

convert:convert a foreign SCM repository to a Mercurial one.


automatically manage newlines in repository files


command to allow external programs to compare revisions

extdiff:use external program to diff repository (or selected files)


http authentication with factotum


export repositories as git fast-import stream

fastexport:export repository as git fast-import stream


try mapping git commands to Mercurial commands

githelp:suggests the Mercurial equivalent of the given git command


commands to sign and verify changesets

sigcheck:verify all the signatures there may be for a particular revision
sign:add a signature for the current or given revision
sigs:list signed changesets


browse the repository in a graphical way

view:start interactive history viewer


syntax highlighting for hgweb (requires Pygments)


interactive history editing

histedit:interactively edit changeset history


expand keywords in tracked files

kwdemo:print [keywordmaps] configuration and an expansion example
kwexpand:expand keywords in the working directory
kwfiles:show files configured for keyword expansion
kwshrink:revert expanded keywords in the working directory


track large binary files

lfconvert:convert a normal repository to a largefiles repository
lfpull:pull largefiles for the specified revisions from the specified source


manage a stack of patches

qapplied:print the patches already applied
qclone:clone main and patch repository at same time
qcommit:commit changes in the queue repository (DEPRECATED)
qdelete:remove patches from queue
qdiff:diff of the current patch and subsequent modifications
qfinish:move applied patches into repository history
qfold:fold the named patches into the current patch
qgoto:push or pop patches until named patch is at top of stack
qguard:set or print guards for a patch
qheader:print the header of the topmost or specified patch
qimport:import a patch or existing changeset
qinit:init a new queue repository (DEPRECATED)
qnew:create a new patch
qnext:print the name of the next pushable patch
qpop:pop the current patch off the stack
qprev:print the name of the preceding applied patch
qpush:push the next patch onto the stack
qqueue:manage multiple patch queues
qrefresh:update the current patch
qrename:rename a patch
qrestore:restore the queue state saved by a revision (DEPRECATED)
qsave:save current queue state (DEPRECATED)
qselect:set or print guarded patches to push
qseries:print the entire series file
qtop:print the name of the current patch
qunapplied:print the patches not yet applied


hooks for sending email push notifications


command to send changesets as (a series of) patch emails

email:send changesets by email


command to move sets of revisions to a different ancestor

rebase:move changeset (and descendants) to a different branch


extend schemes with shortcuts to repository swarms


share a common history between several working directories

share:create a new shared repository
unshare:convert a shared repository to a normal one


command to transplant changesets from another branch

transplant:transplant changesets from another branch


allow the use of MBCS paths with problematic encodings


discover and advertise repositories on the local network

Advanced Extensions


adds a new flag extras to commit (ADVANCED)

Experimental Extensions


apply working directory changes to changesets (EXPERIMENTAL)

absorb:incorporate corrections into the stack of draft changesets


provide the amend command (EXPERIMENTAL)

amend:amend the working copy parent with all or specified outstanding changes


check for unrecorded moves at commit time (EXPERIMENTAL)


beautify log -G output by using Unicode characters (EXPERIMENTAL)


implements bookmark-based branching (EXPERIMENTAL)


yet another annotate implementation that might be faster (EXPERIMENTAL)


rewrite file content in changesets or working copy (EXPERIMENTAL)

fix:rewrite file content in changesets or working directory


Faster status operations with the Watchman file monitor (EXPERIMENTAL)


grant Mercurial the ability to operate on Git repositories. (EXPERIMENTAL)


collection of simple hooks for common tasks (EXPERIMENTAL)


track previous positions of bookmarks (EXPERIMENTAL)

journal:show the previous position of bookmarks and the working copy


lfs - large file support (EXPERIMENTAL)


send ui.log() data to a subprocess (EXPERIMENTAL)


create clones which fetch history data for subset of files (EXPERIMENTAL)

tracked:show or change the current narrowspec


simple Phabricator integration (EXPERIMENTAL)

phabimport:import patches from Phabricator for the specified Differential Revisions
phabread:print patches from Phabricator suitable for importing
phabsend:upload changesets to Phabricator
phabupdate:update Differential Revision in batch


generate release notes from commit messages (EXPERIMENTAL)

releasenotes:parse release notes from commit messages into an output file


remotefilelog causes Mercurial to lazilly fetch file contents (EXPERIMENTAL)

gc:garbage collect the client and server filelog caches
prefetch:prefetch file revisions from the server
repack:(no help text available)
 (no help text available)


showing remotebookmarks and remotebranches in UI (EXPERIMENTAL)


unified command to show various repository information (EXPERIMENTAL)

show:show various repository information


allow sparse checkouts of the working directory (EXPERIMENTAL)


command to split a changeset into smaller ones (EXPERIMENTAL)

split:split a changeset into smaller ones


store repository data in SQLite (EXPERIMENTAL)


uncommit part or all of a local changeset (EXPERIMENTAL)

unamend:undo the most recent amend operation on a current changeset
uncommit:uncommit part or all of a local changeset

Deprecated Extensions


command to display child changesets (DEPRECATED)

children:show the children of the given or working directory revision


pull, update and merge in one command (DEPRECATED)

fetch:pull changes from a remote repository, merge new changes if needed.


command to view revision graphs from a shell (DEPRECATED)

glog:show revision history alongside an ASCII revision graph


browse command output with an external pager (DEPRECATED)


command to delete untracked files from the working directory (DEPRECATED)


commands to interactively select changes for commit/qrefresh (DEPRECATED)

qrecord:interactively record a new patch
record:interactively select changes to commit


strip changesets and their descendants from history (DEPRECATED)


perform automatic newline conversion (DEPRECATED)