

yet another annotate implementation that might be faster (EXPERIMENTAL)


The fastannotate extension provides a 'fastannotate' command that makes use of the linelog data structure as a cache layer and is expected to be faster than the vanilla 'annotate' if the cache is present.

In most cases, fastannotate requires a setup that mainbranch is some pointer that always moves forward, to be most efficient.

Using fastannotate together with linkrevcache would speed up building the annotate cache greatly. Run "debugbuildlinkrevcache" before "debugbuildannotatecache".

# specify the main branch head. the internal linelog will only contain
# the linear (ignoring p2) "mainbranch". since linelog cannot move
# backwards without a rebuild, this should be something that always moves
# forward, usually it is "master" or "@".
mainbranch = master

# fastannotate supports different modes to expose its feature.
# a list of combination:
# - fastannotate: expose the feature via the "fastannotate" command which
#   deals with everything in a most efficient way, and provides extra
#   features like --deleted etc.
# - fctx: replace fctx.annotate implementation. note:
#     a. it is less efficient than the "fastannotate" command
#     b. it will make it practically impossible to access the old (disk
#        side-effect free) annotate implementation
#     c. it implies "hgweb".
# - hgweb: replace hgweb's annotate implementation. conflict with "fctx".
# (default: fastannotate)
modes = fastannotate

# default format when no format flags are used (default: number)
defaultformat = changeset, user, date

# serve the annotate cache via wire protocol (default: False)
# tip: the .hg/fastannotate directory is portable - can be rsynced
server = True

# build annotate cache on demand for every client request (default: True)
# disabling it could make server response faster, useful when there is a
# cronjob building the cache.
serverbuildondemand = True

# update local annotate cache from remote on demand
client = False

# path to use when connecting to the remote server (default: default)
remotepath = default

# minimal length of the history of a file required to fetch linelog from
# the server. (default: 10)
clientfetchthreshold = 10

# for "fctx" mode, always follow renames regardless of command line option.
# this is a BC with the original command but will reduced the space needed
# for annotate cache, and is useful for client-server setup since the
# server will only provide annotate cache with default options (i.e. with
# follow). do not affect "fastannotate" mode. (default: True)
forcefollow = True

# for "fctx" mode, always treat file as text files, to skip the "isbinary"
# check. this is consistent with the "fastannotate" command and could help
# to avoid a file fetch if remotefilelog is used. (default: True)
forcetext = True

# use unfiltered repo for better performance.
unfilteredrepo = True

# sacrifice correctness in some corner cases for performance. it does not
# affect the correctness of the annotate cache being built. the option
# is experimental and may disappear in the future (default: False)
perfhack = True
