

hooks for integrating with the Bugzilla bug tracker


This hook extension adds comments on bugs in Bugzilla when changesets that refer to bugs by Bugzilla ID are seen. The comment is formatted using the Mercurial template mechanism.

The bug references can optionally include an update for Bugzilla of the hours spent working on the bug. Bugs can also be marked fixed.

Four basic modes of access to Bugzilla are provided:

  1. Access via the Bugzilla REST-API. Requires bugzilla 5.0 or later.
  2. Access via the Bugzilla XMLRPC interface. Requires Bugzilla 3.4 or later.
  3. Check data via the Bugzilla XMLRPC interface and submit bug change via email to Bugzilla email interface. Requires Bugzilla 3.4 or later.
  4. Writing directly to the Bugzilla database. Only Bugzilla installations using MySQL are supported. Requires Python MySQLdb.

Writing directly to the database is susceptible to schema changes, and relies on a Bugzilla contrib script to send out bug change notification emails. This script runs as the user running Mercurial, must be run on the host with the Bugzilla install, and requires permission to read Bugzilla configuration details and the necessary MySQL user and password to have full access rights to the Bugzilla database. For these reasons this access mode is now considered deprecated, and will not be updated for new Bugzilla versions going forward. Only adding comments is supported in this access mode.

Access via XMLRPC needs a Bugzilla username and password to be specified in the configuration. Comments are added under that username. Since the configuration must be readable by all Mercurial users, it is recommended that the rights of that user are restricted in Bugzilla to the minimum necessary to add comments. Marking bugs fixed requires Bugzilla 4.0 and later.

Access via XMLRPC/email uses XMLRPC to query Bugzilla, but sends email to the Bugzilla email interface to submit comments to bugs. The From: address in the email is set to the email address of the Mercurial user, so the comment appears to come from the Mercurial user. In the event that the Mercurial user email is not recognized by Bugzilla as a Bugzilla user, the email associated with the Bugzilla username used to log into Bugzilla is used instead as the source of the comment. Marking bugs fixed works on all supported Bugzilla versions.

Access via the REST-API needs either a Bugzilla username and password or an apikey specified in the configuration. Comments are made under the given username or the user associated with the apikey in Bugzilla.

Configuration items common to all access modes:


The access type to use. Values recognized are:

restapi:Bugzilla REST-API, Bugzilla 5.0 and later.
xmlrpc:Bugzilla XMLRPC interface.
xmlrpc+email:Bugzilla XMLRPC and email interfaces.
3.0:MySQL access, Bugzilla 3.0 and later.
2.18:MySQL access, Bugzilla 2.18 and up to but not including 3.0.
2.16:MySQL access, Bugzilla 2.16 and up to but not including 2.18.
Regular expression to match bug IDs for update in changeset commit message. It must contain one "()" named group <ids> containing the bug IDs separated by non-digit characters. It may also contain a named group <hours> with a floating-point number giving the hours worked on the bug. If no named groups are present, the first "()" group is assumed to contain the bug IDs, and work time is not updated. The default expression matches Bug 1234, Bug no. 1234, Bug number 1234, Bugs 1234,5678, Bug 1234 and 5678 and variations thereof, followed by an hours number prefixed by h or hours, e.g. hours 1.5. Matching is case insensitive.
Regular expression to match bug IDs for marking fixed in changeset commit message. This must contain a "()" named group <ids>` containing the bug IDs separated by non-digit characters. It may also contain a named group ``<hours> with a floating-point number giving the hours worked on the bug. If no named groups are present, the first "()" group is assumed to contain the bug IDs, and work time is not updated. The default expression matches Fixes 1234, Fixes bug 1234, Fixes bugs 1234,5678, Fixes 1234 and 5678 and variations thereof, followed by an hours number prefixed by h or hours, e.g. hours 1.5. Matching is case insensitive.
The status to set a bug to when marking fixed. Default RESOLVED.
The resolution to set a bug to when marking fixed. Default FIXED.
The style file to use when formatting comments.

Template to use when formatting comments. Overrides style if specified. In addition to the usual Mercurial keywords, the extension specifies:

{bug}:The Bugzilla bug ID.
{root}:The full pathname of the Mercurial repository.
{webroot}:Stripped pathname of the Mercurial repository.
{hgweb}:Base URL for browsing Mercurial repositories.

Default changeset {node|short} in repo {root} refers to bug {bug}.\ndetails:\n\t{desc|tabindent}

The number of path separator characters to strip from the front of the Mercurial repository path ({root} in templates) to produce {webroot}. For example, a repository with {root} /var/local/my-project with a strip of 2 gives a value for {webroot} of my-project. Default 0.
Base URL for browsing Mercurial repositories. Referenced from templates as {hgweb}.

Configuration items common to XMLRPC+email and MySQL access modes:


Path of file containing Mercurial committer email to Bugzilla user email mappings. If specified, the file should contain one mapping per line:

committer = Bugzilla user

See also the [usermap] section.

The [usermap] section is used to specify mappings of Mercurial committer email to Bugzilla user email. See also bugzilla.usermap. Contains entries of the form committer = Bugzilla user.

XMLRPC and REST-API access mode configuration:

The base URL for the Bugzilla installation. Default http://localhost/bugzilla.
The username to use to log into Bugzilla via XMLRPC. Default bugs.
The password for Bugzilla login.

REST-API access mode uses the options listed above as well as:

An apikey generated on the Bugzilla instance for api access. Using an apikey removes the need to store the user and password options.

XMLRPC+email access mode uses the XMLRPC access mode configuration items, and also:

The Bugzilla email address.

In addition, the Mercurial email settings must be configured. See the documentation in hgrc(5), sections [email] and [smtp].

MySQL access mode configuration:

Hostname of the MySQL server holding the Bugzilla database. Default localhost.
Name of the Bugzilla database in MySQL. Default bugs.
Username to use to access MySQL server. Default bugs.
Password to use to access MySQL server.
Database connection timeout (seconds). Default 5.
Fallback Bugzilla user name to record comments with, if changeset committer cannot be found as a Bugzilla user.
Bugzilla install directory. Used by default notify. Default /var/www/html/bugzilla.
The command to run to get Bugzilla to send bug change notification emails. Substitutes from a map with 3 keys, bzdir, id (bug id) and user (committer bugzilla email). Default depends on version; from 2.18 it is "cd %(bzdir)s && perl -T contrib/sendbugmail.pl %(id)s %(user)s".

Activating the extension:

bugzilla =

# run bugzilla hook on every change pulled or pushed in here
incoming.bugzilla = python:hgext.bugzilla.hook

Example configurations:

XMLRPC example configuration. This uses the Bugzilla at http://my-project.org/bugzilla, logging in as user bugmail@my-project.org with password plugh. It is used with a collection of Mercurial repositories in /var/local/hg/repos/, with a web interface at http://my-project.org/hg.

template=Changeset {node|short} in {root|basename}.


XMLRPC+email example configuration. This uses the Bugzilla at http://my-project.org/bugzilla, logging in as user bugmail@my-project.org with password plugh. It is used with a collection of Mercurial repositories in /var/local/hg/repos/, with a web interface at http://my-project.org/hg. Bug comments are sent to the Bugzilla email address bugzilla@my-project.org.

template=Changeset {node|short} in {root|basename}.



MySQL example configuration. This has a local Bugzilla 3.2 installation in /opt/bugzilla-3.2. The MySQL database is on localhost, the Bugzilla database name is bugs and MySQL is accessed with MySQL username bugs password XYZZY. It is used with a collection of Mercurial repositories in /var/local/hg/repos/, with a web interface at http://my-project.org/hg.

template=Changeset {node|short} in {root|basename}.



All the above add a comment to the Bugzilla bug record of the form:

Changeset 3b16791d6642 in repository-name.

Changeset commit comment. Bug 1234.